Last updated: 06 Jan. 2023
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most comprehensive change to EU data privacy law in decades. It took effect on the 25th May 2018. We work hard to comply with the GDPR and apply its principles as we build new services.
The GDPR regulation applies to any EU residents' data, regardless of where the processor or controller is located. This means that if you’re using Findymail from the US to reach out to other US corporations, the regulation doesn’t affect you. But if some of your customers or leads are in the EU, you should pay attention to it. In practice, most companies need to take the GDPR into consideration.
Findymail is in most cases a processor. As a data controller, under Article 28 of the GDPR, you need a data processing addendum (DPA) signed with your processors. We've made this procedure simple and have the contract ready to be signed. You can find our DPA here. Please contact if you need a signed version.
The “data controller” is the entity that determines the purposes and means of the data processing taking place. The “data processor” is an entity acting on behalf of a controller in processing personal data.
Findymail acts as a controller to deliver its services, analyze usage, fight fraud, and comply with applicable regulations.
Findymail acts as a processor for the data you import to your account. It includes information about your account, leads, campaigns, bulk tasks, and more. As a Findymail user, you are the controller of this data. It means you must set the purpose and legal basis for the processing.
Findymail's main servers are managed by Hetzner Online GmbH and located in Finland.
We process only available online data for informational purposes. Our users have a legitimate interest in having easier access to already public data regarding other businesses and in reaching out to other businesses. By working as a specialized search engine, we make it possible for companies to connect with each other.
If a data subject wishes to not appear to our customers, we offer a way to easily claim email addresses here
We store and process all our data exclusively in the EU. We even store our off-site backups within the EU.
To improve, debug or prevent fraud on the service, we keep a variety of logs. We now make sure logs are destroyed at most 2 months after there collection date. We never use those logs of anything else than monitoring and debugging.
Should you have any other questions, we’re here to help: